We are proud of our exceptional pool of experienced tutors. We work with a relatively small group of around 100 tutors. Working with fewer tutors means we get to know them well. This helps us recommend the best tutor for each student.
Our tutors demonstrate a passion for helping students with a more nurturing approach. They are suitably qualified and experienced to provide high-quality tuition.
Our tutors carry out the Bright Heart Approach in their lessons through patience, understanding and the building of rapport.
We provide an initial trial lesson to ensure a tutor and student are a good fit and likely to develop the necessary rapport – this is free if tuition does not proceed.
This creates a stable platform for the realisation of potential and academic success – especially for those students with additional needs or those who lack confidence and motivation.
We provide our tutors with initial training on safeguarding and the Bright Heart Approach. Tutors are also provided with an exclusive online training course produced by nasen (National Association of Special Educational Needs) to ensure that they are adequately prepared to meet the individual learning needs of our students. The course covers the current context of SEND; the 4 broad areas of need; person-centred working; and specific needs and strategies.
We provide further training and development to tutors, which includes holding in-person workshops run by nasen. Putting this all together, no Bright Heart tutor is ever ‘thrown into the deep-end’ when meeting a new student and our tutors are suitably prepared to deliver high-quality tuition.
We review numerous CVs and cover letters before short-listing the most appropriate candidates for telephone screening.
Candidates are then interviewed by a Bright Heart director and background checked. Checks include checking for a current clean Enhanced DBS Certificate (criminal background check for people working with children), verifying qualifications and taking at least 2 independent professional references that support a candidate’s application.
Successful candidates then enter into a contract for services with Bright Heart and agree to be bound by our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. Contracts require tutors to deliver high-quality tuition by being suitably qualified and experienced and fully prepared, based on a particular student’s specific needs.
Please refer to our safer recruitment policy.
We understand the respectful environment that tutors enjoy and how this promotes quality tuition. Bright Heart values it tutors and treats them fairly and provides them with an incentive scheme to motivate them to achieve the highest standards of tuition for students.
When I was interviewed by Ryan and Simon at Bright Heart Education, I was struck by their passion and commitment – not only did they care about the students, they cared about the tutors. Their heart based approach set them apart from the others, they genuinely care and are very grounded in their ethos. Over the years, they have been consistently supportive and have always made the time to speak and communicate with both clients and tutors alike. A lot of thought and care goes into their process of finding the ‘perfect fit’ for the student and the tutor – it has been really successful and I have had so many wonderful fulfilling roles due to this. Joining the team at Bright Heart Education in 2018 has been one of the best decisions I have ever made."
I am very happy being a tutor through Bright Heart. Simon and Ryan are thorough, transparent and dedicated - a cut above the rest. I feel respected as a tutor and that makes me want to go above and beyond."
Key qualities we seek in tutors are patience and a caring attitude. Other important qualities and skills include:
We are always keen to hear from exceptional tutors, so if you are interested in tutoring through us* and believe that you meet all our requirements, please apply below.
*Tutors are self-employed, independent contractors who enter into a contract for services with Bright Heart (an employment business).
The Good Schools Guide (Aug-22)